Does Your Dog Pee the Bed?

Potty problems are the most common and frustrating of issues that come with owning a dog. It is also the most reported reason that pets fall into are taken to shelters. There are many kinds of issues that fall into this category: housebreaking, excited peeing, incontinence, and sleep incontinence. There is a lot of advice on how to housebreak and or break the habit of peeing when excited; this article is dedicated to those poor dog owners whose dogs wet the bed.

There are two things to consider here. The first question you should ask yourself is, why is my dog wetting the bed. Dogs are relatively clean animals and would usually avoid peeing anywhere they would consider sleeping. So, most times this is a sign of a serious problem and the causes are not very obvious. One cause is back injury makes the bladder difficult to control, which happens more often to older dogs. If your dog is showing signs of back pain and has lost control during sleep especially, there is a good chance this is the cause. Also hormone imbalances can weaken the muscles, which happen more frequently in older female dogs. If either of these two cases are possibly the problem with your dog, definitely see a vet.

The second thing to consider is caring for the dog while it is having this problem. You may have noticed in the previous paragraph that dog bed wetting is primarily a result of old age, either directly or indirectly. So in some cases, there is nothing that can be done, medically, to fix this problem. And sometimes, if a medical solution exists, it is very expensive. But the dog can become very sick if the problem is not contained.

The challenge will be to prevent skin infections. As you may know older dogs already have sensitive skin, so this becomes even more important. If a dog is permitted to lie in a saturated spot all night, it will certainly get an infection. The symptoms of infection are pain, fur loss, inflammation, and open sores. These will only get worse with the continual exposure to urine. You cannot allow this to happen; it will greatly decrease the animal’s quality of life.

If your dog likes to sleep in a bed, you should try and organize a bed that absorbs. Some people use diapers, washable cloth diapers are a cheaper alternative to disposable but either will work. Lay these down on the dog’s bed and change them often. If you do go with the cloth diapers, make sure you insert something absorbent into them otherwise they won’t be much better than using a blanket. This is the more costly option.

There are also dog beds designed for this problem. They are very absorbent and they have removable parts. These are important because you want to wash both parts, every day. The inside of the bed should have something that pulls the moisture away from the surface. This coupled with frequent baths will certainly improve the dog’s quality of life.

There are also dog beds [] designed for this problem. They are very absorbent and they have removable parts. These are important because you want to wash both parts, every day. The inside of the bed should have something that pulls the moisture away from the surface. This coupled with frequent baths will certainly improve the dog’s quality of life. And for proper nutrition so your dog will stay healthy and happy, the proper Dog Supplements [].

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