How to train a dog

There are many emails that we receive daily asking us how to train a dog correctly, what steps should be followed and what are the most effective techniques for training to be fruitful. We are going to explain step by step how to correctly train a dog, how to make the training positive for our pet and most importantly, how to make it learn correctly Houston dog training for aggressive dogs. There is possibly nothing as simple as training a dog, you simply have to know how to do it correctly.

Before continuing, we would like to make it very clear what NOT to do during training, since if we make the mistake of training our pet poorly, it will cost us double or triple to retrain it correctly. Let’s see what mistakes we should never make:

Never yell, scold, or hit your dog. Physical or psychological punishment is not effective, it is more than proven and it is cruelty. He would never do it to you.
Never despair, patience is the mother of all sciences and training a dog takes time, you must have a lot of patience.
Do not use choke or torture collars, it is unnecessary cruelty. There are a thousand effective ways to train a dog and none of them are done through punishment or torture.

Never use different ways to address him, always call him by his name and then give him the order.

Now that you know everything not to do, it’s time to learn how to train a dog effectively. The first thing we must do is let our dog know who is the owner, the leader or alpha male of the pack, whatever you prefer to call it. We strongly recommend you read the article: How to dominate my dog . Making our partner understand that you are the alpha male is essential both to train him and to have a correct coexistence.

How to train a dog correctly so that it learns

We must carry out the training of our partner constantly, that is, carry out training work three or four times a week, continuously and perseveringly. We must begin the sessions after having taken a long walk with our dog, it is essential that he has let off steam, that he has run, played and relieved himself before starting any training session, especially if he is an active breed such as the breed . Doberman or Pitbull. A dog that has not let off steam will never learn correctly, because he simply will not concentrate.

To carry out the training sessions we must choose a quiet place, where no other dog will distract us, nor will there be intense noises or constant passage of people. We need some privacy so that our pet learns as much as possible and concentrates.

We must bring treats to reward our dog when he does the exercises well, dog biscuits, pieces of sausage or bread can be perfect rewards. Cuddles and caresses are also good rewards to complement with food rewards.

When our dog does an exercise well, we will enthusiastically congratulate him Good! Well done! That’s how it’s done! Very good tobby! etc… we will give him a cookie or piece of sausage as a reward and we will pet him. He must know that we are happy because he has done well, it is essential.

When our dog does the exercise wrong, we will simply return to the initial position and start the exercise again. When you get to the part where he makes the mistake, we will simply tell him in a firm voice No!. It is not necessary to yell at him or punish him, nor will we give him any prizes.

Training sessions should not last more than half an hour, if we exceed half an hour, we should play for no less than fifteen minutes before starting the training session again. Never exceed the daily hour of training, we do not want nor should we stress them out.

In this article we are not going to teach how to use our dog for self-defense, it is an unnecessary risk for inexperienced people to teach such dangerous exercises to dogs. If what you want is to teach your dog self-defense exercises, you should go to a professional trainer, yes or yes. There is no excuse for you not to do it, if you mistakenly teach defense exercises to your dog, it will be a catastrophe.

During the training sessions we must exercise a single command until he learns it correctly, we cannot teach him a thousand things, not even two things in one session, we must go step by step, day by day.

We must always use the same order for each exercise, if one day we teach him to sit with the order “Sit”, we cannot change it the next day or the following week to “Sit”, we must always maintain the same orders.

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