How to get followers on Instagram: 25 tips to grow fast

Surely you have wondered how to get followers on Instagram, or how those accounts that you admire and follow have made to gain so many followers so quickly.

The truth is that there is no magic formula to learn how to get followers on Instagram, there is no trick or secret that will lead you to gain thousands of followers overnight.

However, there are some tips that can help you learn how to get followers on Instagram without money in a much faster and more constant way .

Instagram, beyond being a social network purchase instagram followers, could become your business and a very interesting source of income. What’s more, there are very interesting ideas to earn money online.

If you want to try it, creating a community is essential to entrepreneurship digitally.

How to get followers on Instagram quickly:

Next we want to present you the 25 tips to gain followers on Instagram from Jonathan Chan, the creator of Foundr Maganize, who gained 300,000 followers in just 5 months:

1. You must post every day:
One of the most important keys to gaining followers and growing your community on Instagram is consistency. You should post every day and several times a day. People are not going to follow you if they don’t feel that you are adding value to them.

If your goal is to open an Instagram account and post once a week, don’t do it, all you’re doing would be wasting your time.

2. Find the point of the day where there is the most interaction:
There is a time of day when your community or followers are most active, which means that there are times of day where your posts will have greater interaction, and therefore greater impact.

Normally the evening hours, between 7 and 11, are usually times where there is greater interaction.

However, this will depend on the characteristics of your community. For example, if your community is made up of housewives, possibly in the morning hours it is a good alternative.

Now, if your community is made up of employees, possibly the schedule after 5 pm is an alternative to consider.

Taking into account the demographics of your community will be essential to know how to get followers on Instagram.

3. Reply, comment and interact with your followers:
Remember that you are building a community of people, a place to interact and generate conversation.

Your community cannot be based on a relationship where you only receive and give nothing in return. Generate conversation, get people to interact, share their stories and invite their friends.

Every time someone takes the time to comment on your post, the least you could do is respond, and do so in the most human way possible, not with automated responses.

4. Use your brand’s hashtags and monitor how it behaves:
This is perhaps one of the most important tips to learn how to get followers on Instagram, since hashtags are a fundamental tool that you should use in your account.

You read that right: You must!

Hashtags are used to group certain interests, publications and people. Depending on the hashtags you use, Instagram will show you people and content that is related to it.

Now, it is important that you have a personalized hashtag of your brand, such as #emprendiendohistorias. This allows you to see who else uses it, allows you to evaluate the comments and opinions of your brand.

5. Know what type of content your audience enjoys and use it to your advantage:
There is a certain type of content that stands out above the rest, which will help you get followers on Instagram.

For example, motivational phrases usually have a higher level of interaction than the others. Remember that people follow you because they feel that you add value to them, so identify which content is most relevant to your audience and dedicate yourself to improving it.

6. Use trending hashtags:
When you use the hashtags that are trending, the content you generate is considered relevant to Instagram.

Additionally, this will expose your brand to new people who may not know your brand and will help you solve your question of how to get followers on Instagram.

7. Use your url wisely:
You can use this url to drive people to your website, to add value to your community through downloadable content, or to offer discounts.

Yyou only have one link in your entire account, so use it wisely. You can use shorteners like togenerate a custom link and keep track of the number of clicks it receives.

Sponsor your website and build custom links to take them to your site. This can bring traffic to your website and generate new business relationships with your followers.

8. Post videos:
Videos are the content that is being consumed the most by people, and these can be a perfect complement to your images.

Videos give you more interesting content and offer diversity to your community, helping you gain followers on Instagram organically.

9. Have fun and follow people you are interested in:
Although you have a brand, company or business with which you want to learn how to get followers on Instagram, do not forget that communities are about of people and emotions; Show your personality, comment, follow people who motivate and inspire you.

People will feel that they are not interacting with a brand but with a person, which facilitates the relationship with your community and generates a greater “fall in love” with the brand.

10. Curate content from other accounts:
You will not always be able to generate your own content, for these occasions curate content from other accounts that have a similar target audience.

It is important that you give the reference and mention where you got the content from. Your followers will have access to fresh content, and the account you’re linking will be able to gain new followers, which they’ll thank you for.

They will surely do the same with your posts, which will expose your brand to other people.

11. Hold contests:
Contests fall into the same category of fresh and diverse content. Contests only allow you to know how to get followers on Instagram, but you can also reward those you already have and publicize your products or services.

When you run a contest everyone wins, your followers make your brand known and they can access your products. The most important thing when running a contest is that you are offering something that only your community will enjoy.

If you are giving away an iPad, surely many people will follow you for the prize, but once it ends they will stop doing so. So it doesn’t make sense.

12. Connect your account with other social networks:
Within Instagram you have the option to connect your other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Your presence on social networks must be part of your digital strategy, where you must define what type of content you are going to publish on each one. If you are interested, here you have 10 free online Digital Marketing courses.

There is the possibility of linking your Facebook page, and not your personal account, to give it a more professional touch. This action will allow you to connect all your followers on social networks and offer them varied content.

13. Investigate which content generates the most interaction and why:
There is content that you like more than others. Identify in your account which one is yours and ask yourself what is different from the rest.

Once you identify this value, exploit it in future publications. Without a doubt this is part of your strategy for how to get followers on Instagram.

14. Join with other accounts promoting content
There are other accounts that may have the same target audience as you, or that share interests and tastes.

Contact them and propose the strategy of sharing images of each other, this will help both of you gain new followers on Instagram without money, and you will be exposing your brand to new people.

The most important thing is that you feel that the account and content you are recommending is in line with your objective and community. Remember to mention them in the description and invite your audience to follow them, this organic strategy is quite effective.

This is one of the strategies that will teach you how to get followers on Instagram quickly.

15. Make exclusive promotions for your followers on Instagram:
Exclusive content is one of the reasons why someone can follow you. If they are going to find your content elsewhere, why would they follow you?

Reward the loyalty of your followers with exclusive promotions, with content that adds value and that they will not find anywhere else.

This strategy will not only keep your community happy and motivated, but it becomes an invitation to follow you for other people who do not already do so, which leads you to gain new Instagram followers.

16. Make your followers known:
When you mention your followers in your posts you are reminding them that they are part of the community, you let them know that they are important and that you want to hear from them. You make them the center of attention.

Normally when you do this, your followers become ambassadors of your brand and help you by making it known.

17. Use Instagram to promote only your best content:
If you are going to promote your content, whether it is your blog articles, a new video on YouTube or any promotion you are offering, make sure it is your best content.

Some examples would be the best article of the week, the new video of the week or an exclusive discount for your followers on Instagram.

This type of publication lets your community understand that you are only interested in sharing content of value to them.

18. Use emojis to attract the attention of your followers
Remember that social media is about people, not brands or companies with automated responses. The emoticons in your publications draw the attention of your customers and generate a different relationship.

An effective example would be to use the fingers up emoticon to point to the url of your page.

19. Use 7 hashtags for each post:
According to a study carried out by Piqora where more than 150 thousand posts on Instagram were analyzed, it was found that the recommended number of hashtags by publication there are 7.

According to this study, it was found that 7 hashtags generate the greatest number of interaction or “engagement” by your community. A key point is to use hashtags that are relevant to your audience.

Finally, do not flood your publication with hashtags as this looks unprofessional and you will not be achieving your goal of how to get followers on Instagram.

20. Identify the most popular hashtags in your niche:
Find the most popular hashtags within your niche and use them to reach new followers and potential customers.

According to the same Piqora study, when you use a hashtag with more than 50,000 posts or publications, it is likely that this post will last up to 4 months in the recommendations of your users.

It is important that the hashtag is relevant to your audience and brand objective, there is no point in positioning yourself with content that is not relevant to your followers.

21. Use the description to generate interaction
The description is the part of the image where you complement your content and interact with your followers.

Use this section to ask questions, ask your followers to tag their friends, double tap if they agree with the post, among many other options.

The most important thing is to generate a relationship where your community can actively participate.

22. Use an image that you fall in love with in your profile
When you use a profile image of a person, your work team or an image that reflects the human part of your brand, it means that you understood that social networks are about people.

It has been established that images with faces generate greater interaction than those without; This is because there is greater trust on the part of the follower since he feels that he is relating to someone.

23. Use location to gain attention from your followers
Location is an important aspect when it comes to how to get followers on Instagram who are in your same neighborhood or city. When you attend an event or conference that is taking place in your city, use the hashtag of the event plus your location.

This will allow you to connect with other attendees, give visibility to your brand, and gain followers on Instagram who live in the same location as you.

24. Create a description of your profile that will help you gain subscribers
Your Instagram account should be another channel within your brand’s digital strategy. This means that Instagram must have a goal and you must get something for your presence there.

Your profile description is one of the few spaces you have to talk about your brand, to invite your followers to do something for you or promote your product.

A good strategy would be to increase your number of subscribers to the email newsletter; you can achieve this by giving away an ebook, course or exclusive content that they can access if they subscribe.

25. Use tools like Crowdfire
This tool helps give visibility to your Instagram account, tells you what are the best times to publish and what hashtag to use.

Additionally, it helps you find content that has been liked, which allows you, with the permission of the other account, to curate this content. Crowdfire is available in a web version or in an application for your phone.

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