A list of specific nutrition supplements

Our survey with the Council for Responsible Nutrition revealed that consumers take supplements for a variety of reasons Magnésium livraison Abidjan. These are some of the objectives they cited:

  • To boost general immunity (62 percent)
  • To improve overall health and well-being (46 percent)
  • To improve digestive health (32 percent)
  • For healthy skin, hair and beauty (27 percent)
  • For brain health (24 percent)
  • To maintain energy and focus (23 percent)
  • To promote sleep (20 percent)

What types of supplements specifically address these goals? Let’s dive into specific nutrition supplements.

Immune support
According to a recent survey , 52 percent of consumers in the United States purchase nutrition products for immune support. Supplements in this category include zinc, certain vitamins, probiotics, Omega-3 fatty acids, and botanical supplements such as turmeric, Schizandra, elderberry, and Echinacea.

Brain health
As we age, many consumers look for supplements to boost various functions, including memory. Bacopa is a plant that is used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) to strengthen short-term memory and cognitive resilience as people age.

heart health
In addition to a heart-healthy diet and frequent exercise , supplements also protect heart health. Some of these products are Omega-3, CoQ10, garlic, and supplements that contain nitric oxide precursors .

Digestive health
Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics contribute to gut health. Fiber aids digestion, provides a feeling of fullness to curb appetite, and helps beneficial digestive bacteria thrive. Many of us do not follow the daily fiber intake recommendations , which is why supplements are very helpful.

Women’s health
Women have specific nutritional needs that can be remedied by adding supplements. Health experts often recommend that women include calcium in their diet for good bone health. Another nutrient that also needs reinforcement is vitamin D, ideal for bones. Another specialized supplement for premenopausal women is iron, essential for cell growth.

Men’s health
Men also benefit from vitamin D and other products made from wild palmetto, a plant that benefits the prostate and urine .

Child’s Health
As many parents know, children do not always receive adequate nutrition. Many parents supplement their diet with a nutrient-rich shake or multivitamin, such as choline, which supports normal neurological function, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D to support healthy growth and development of bones and teeth.

Sleep and relaxation
Rest is an integral part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Rejuvenate your body and mind and regulate your mood . Many consumers drink herbal teas of chamomile or other herbs such as jujube and passion fruit flower to achieve better sleep and relaxation. Other people boost their sleep with supplements containing melatonin.

Healthy Aging
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound in our body that decreases with age. Consuming supplements can help support joint health. Likewise, lutein has been shown to be useful for eye health and vision.

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