Having a Facebook Fan page means an EXTRA listing in Google’s search results pages. Properly set up, you can end up with on entry in Google listings for your main website AND a second or even a third entry for your FB fan page
Do you really want to sell to people that do NOT have a credit card? What do you think your chances of making a profit would be if the customers you were attempting to attract did not have credit, or didn’t have a job?
The fastest growing segment of Facebook (which is the fastest growing social networking site in history) is 50 year olds. I mean the part of the population that can actually afford (or want or need) what ever it is you’re selling.
Not every industry can take full advantage of exposure to the vast Facebook community, the target market of certain types of stores for example deal in what political correctness terms the “disaffected”, for example a local Latin market or a beer and wine store in the seedier side of the tracks… it’s a safe bet their ‘money customers” are not on Facebook. State highway contractors, for example get their work from Government bids, so being on Facebook doesn’t make much sense for them.
There is however a reason for almost every company to have a company Facebook page…
Google is that reason.
Google search results is the reason.
You have a company website, if you (or the SEO contractor you hired) knows what you’re doing, your company website will display in the top 10 Google search results for the keywords your prospective clients will type in to find what ever it is you are selling. Fair enough
What chance do you have if your company only occupies one of the ten listings in Google? With a Company Facebook Page what you’ll end up with is one listing for your website and an additional listing for your companies Facebook Fan Page.
Your personal Facebook account is blocked from Google’s prying eyes, the contents of your personal Facebook page is protected, Google is not allowed to index its contents. Personal Facebook pages are visible ONLY to other Facebook members, and you can choose what parts of your Facebook site to share and what parts to share only with family members.
A Company FB page (also known as a Facebook Fan Page) ARE search-able by Google.
Having a Facebook Fan page means an EXTRA listing in Google’s search results pages. Properly set up, you can end up with on entry in Google listings for your main website AND a second or even a third entry for your FB fan page Wall, your FB Fan page photos, and if you were slick enough to create a company blog in addition to your company website, a FB fan page is one of the most effective “blog delivery systems” you can use to promote your company blog. (but that’s another article entirely)