How Artificial Intelligence and machine learning helping in developing advanced mobile apps?

As any mobile app developer knows, there can be no denying the center role that machine learning systems – grounded in AI – play in today’s advanced mobile app development.

Because AI technology is being increasingly used by any competent mobile app developer, it is imperative that you understand what AI and machine learning concepts are doing inside of mobile apps. Providing you with a valuable introductory education regarding this subject is the intent of this post fetch ai news today.

Mobile App Users Want Their Experiences to be Personal
It should come as no surprise that users enjoy applications most when they are intuitive and personal. Developers know this, and they know that AI technology can provide this. The quality of user experience an application provides may serve as a clear indicator as to the future success of the application.

There are plenty of current examples of machine learning being used to provide a personal experience to users in popular mobile applications. In 2016, Taco Bell released a mobile app, “TacoBot”, that uses machine learning to tailor user experience by providing personalized menu recommendations and anticipating the user’s purchase trends.

Amazon’s Alexa is another groundbreaking current example of an application that uses AI and machine learning to transform the experience of the user. The mobile app developers behind Alexa infused her with speech capabilities. One must only ask Alexa for what they want; Alexa will provide.

Apps infused with AI, called “smart apps”, are rapidly growing in popularity among users because they can provide the personal experiences that users long for.

Artificial Intelligence Will Become Mainstream Business for Businesses
For better or for worse, businesses will need to implement competitive AI technology into their mobile applications if they want to stay in the game. If they don’t stay up to date with advancements in AI technology, they will get left behind by all the other businesses who are making the most of the opportunity.

Because they have done their research into artificial intelligence and user expectations, the major tech companies are already implementing AI algorithms into their mobile applications in order to further entrench their existing users into their grasp.

These machine learning algorithms are written to adjust themselves based on learned behavior. Users seem to always want app developers to make their apps more user friendly. As more and more applications are developed with machine learning algorithms, businesses are able to access the data generated by the apps to continually improve their user experience. This pleases the users, and the users will continue to want to use the apps. When this happens, users and businesses both get what they want.

Machine Learning – More than Just User Experience
Improvement of user experience is but one area of machine learning technology that mobile app developers capitalize on to improve their apps. There are endless possible uses for machine learning technology as developers learn more about neural networks and how to create algorithms that function more and more like the human brain.

In addition to improving user experience, machine learning technology is also being used by mobile app developers to detect and prevent fraud, provide product tagging automation, manage your wallet, give computers vision, create self-driving cars, and more.

Clearly, AI technology is paving the way for the future of mobile app development.
This post was meant to give you a brief educational glimpse into the world of AI and machine learning technology and introduce you to how it is being used in mobile application development. Next time you use a mobile app, you might notice how your user experience has been tailored specifically to you. Next time you unlock your phone, you might realize that it is AI technology allowing your phone to see and recognize your face. You will hopefully begin to understand why developers are going to great lengths to include AI and machine learning technology in their mobile apps.

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