Guide to becoming the best chemical sciences teacher

If you have ever surprised yourself thinking what it would be like to work as a teacher teaching chemistry, this article is for you.

Chemistry is one of those subjects that generates mixed feelings in students. They know how important it is for their training, but they suffer from solving chemical exercises Molecule Database.

Faced with this scenario, chemistry becomes one of the subjects where the role of teachers is fundamental. It is they who They can awaken a love for science, or at least learn the syllabus and lose the fear of knowing the why of chemical reactions.

Teachers carry a great responsibility on their shoulders!

Practicing as a chemistry teacher is a path that requires hard work, study and passion for science. Along the way you will face good moments and negative moments, as in any profession. But, without a doubt, you will enjoy seeing the growth of your students.

In this article we are going to share with you the step by step to become an excellent chemistry teacher.

What training is needed to be a chemistry teacher?
The first step you have to take on this exciting path of teaching is to enroll in a university or a Teacher Training Institute.

In these institutions you must take the chemistry teaching course, which lasts between 4 or 5 years. Of course, each student does it at their own pace and this is an average duration.

During your chemistry teaching you will take subjects such as:

General chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Physical chemistry
organic chemistry
Didactics and curriculum

In addition, you will not only see theoretical content, but you will also have professional practices where you can have your first experiences as a chemistry teacher. And thanks to the supervision of more senior teachers you will be able to recognize your mistakes and learn how to face a classroom full of students waiting for your explanations on organic and inorganic chemistry concepts.

If you have the possibility of studying in large cities such as Buenos Aires, Córdoba or La Plata, you can study at universities such as the UBA, the University of La Matanza or the University of Córdoba.

But, if you live in another smaller city, you can also study at teacher training institutes. These institutions are an excellent alternative for those aspiring chemistry teachers who cannot travel to large cities.

According to data from the Argentinos Observatory for Education collected in 2019, Argentina has 1,528 educational units that offer tertiary-level teacher training.

Also, you have the possibility of studying chemistry remotely. For example, the Intermediate and Higher Level Teaching Staff in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics at the National University of Río Negro (UNRN) offers a distance modality. This way, you can do your online training from anywhere in the country.

As you will see, there are several institutions where chemistry teachers can study. The important thing is that, regardless of where you do your training, you strive every day to be a first-class teacher. Furthermore, the training of a teacher It does not end at the end of the race. Training as a teacher will be continuous.

You must keep in mind that the syllabi usually change year to year, therefore, you must keep your knowledge updated to offer your best version to the students.

Where to work once received?
When you finish your studies and internships, it is time to enter the world of work.

The main dilemma you will have to face is whether to choose public or private education. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Opinions are very different.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that, in the case of public school teachers, each year they must negotiate parity and salary increases. And on many occasions, the school year is interrupted by strikes by teachers protesting their working conditions.

For its part, private education offers a certain stability for teachers of chemistry and other subjects.

The other decision you will have to make is whether you prefer to teach in secondary schools, tertiary schools, universities or postgraduate and master’s degrees.

The most common thing is to start with high school students and then advance the level.

If you choose to work at universities, you will also have to decide between public or private institutions. In this type of positions, access is more complex because there is a great demand from teachers and positions are scarcer.

On the other hand, there is the possibility of working as private chemistry teacher to provide support to students who have difficulties with the subject. In this case, depending on the platform you subscribe to or the method you choose, you can teach face-to-face classes or online chemistry courses.

The pros and cons of working as a chemistry teacher
One of the main advantages of working as a chemistry teacher is satisfaction of seeing how your students understand complex chemical reactions and solve exercises thanks to your support. Witnessing their formation and growth is very gratifying.

For those passionate about chemical sciences, teaching classes is an opportunity to share all that enthusiasm and sow the seed of love for this subject .

Another attraction of this profession is the use of creativity. It is a job where every day you will face a different challenge. No class is the same as the previous one and you will have to look for didactic ways to teach complex concepts in simple words.

Ready to share your passion for chemical sciences?

Chemistry teachers also choose this profession for its possibility of reconciling it with personal life. The schedules usually coincide with those of the children at school, and for those who are mothers or fathers it is very positive. Plus, the vacations are long. While most jobs offer 15 or 20 days of vacation, a teacher has summer and winter vacation days off.

However, not everything is rosy. Working in education has its B side. Teachers invest hours at home correcting exams, class preparation, exercise planning and other extra tasks. The workday does not end when they leave school.

Every year the chemistry syllabus (and other subjects) is updated, so teachers must renew the exercises and classes. It is a job where preparation and training is continuous.

Another disadvantage is that, in the case of public education teachers, each year they must face the discussion about salary increases.

Despite all these drawbacks, education professionals continue to choose this profession because nothing compares to the gratification of being a teacher.

If you manage to establish a bond with your students and teach them with joy and passion, they will remember you forever. You will be their role model and many of them even choose to study Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Pharmacy or any other career related to chemistry, thanks to your classes.

If the passion for chemistry and pedagogy characterizes you, being a chemistry teacher is for you. During this path through teaching you must find the institution and modality where you feel most comfortable teaching. But, regardless of the context, the important thing is to teach and see the growth in your students.


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